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Predict & Create your future

Louise Fredbo-Nielsen is a strategic futurist who works to empower organizations to think and create a better and brighter future.

What can you expect when working with Louise?

Louise Fredbo-Nielsen is one of the most sought-after futurists of her generation, both in Denmark and abroad. Additionally, she is a television host, author, and speaker, successfully engaging her audiences in discussions about the future. She not only inspires tangible initiatives but also encourages everyone to approach the future with open eyes and actively participate in shaping it.

Explore the impact of technology on the future and gain an understanding of how both individuals and organizations can thrive.

Optimize your organization’s development with Louise Fredbo-Nielsen’s insightful keynotes on change and innovation.

An inspiring perspective on the future, providing strategies and tools to identify and create the future you desire.

What louise offers


Louise gives keynotes about the future and has been doing so for over 10 years all around the world, for a wide range of large and small organizations.

Moderator & Host

Louise is an experienced moderator and host. She ties together presentations at the conference/event and intelligently contextualizes speeches and debates.

Business Strategy

Based on her knowledge of consumer behavior and trends, Louise is a trusted strategic advisor who provides an outside-in perspective on your strategy, aligning it with the future you foresee.

Online talks

If you have a virtual event, please feel free to contact Louise regarding an online talk.

Louises popular topics

How to get ready for the future - in a fast-paced digital world?

How do we transition from being overwhelmed by the future to being proactive and ahead of what is important and meaningful?

Have you ever thought about what the future will demand of you and your organization? Would you like to understand how groundbreaking technologies and trends will shape our future, and would you like to be prepared for what’s to come?

In an entertaining and lovingly provocative manner, Louise Fredbo-Nielsen takes you on a journey into the future. It will include topics such as:

Regenerative AI and Robotics: Discover how artificial intelligence and robotics not only automate but also regenerate and improve themselves over time.

Prediction and Pattern Recognition: Meet technologies that can identify patterns and predict events with incredible precision.

Digital Butlers and Hyper-connectivity: Step into an era of personal digital assistants that understand your needs better than ever before. Also, explore how hyper-connectivity is revolutionizing our way of communicating and living.

And the big question: Where does all this technology leave us humans? We are embarking on a thought-provoking journey into an exciting future and the most transformative trends that will define the years to come. But we also need to learn to understand, participate, and shape the future!

Beyond 9 to 5: Crafting the Future of Work

Will you be equipped to navigate the complexities of the future job market? This talk gives you insight into the crucial dynamics that will define our working lives.

The talk will touch on topics like: How will we work in the future? What tasks will we perform, and which ones will be taken over by robots and algorithms?

The latest trends in remote work and telecommuting: How can companies adapt to an increasingly virtual workday? What impact does technology and new ways of working and organizing have on our organizations and culture when we no longer meet daily at the coffee machine but sit in our respective home offices or cafes and meet virtually?

Challenges and opportunities of automation: How can we achieve synergy between humans and technology?

The qualities of the future: What mindset do we need for the future? What do we need to be able to do in the future? How do we, as organizations, leaders, and employees, prepare ourselves? And what trends and tendencies should we keep an eye on? You’ll gain insight and strategies to ensure that you and your organization not only survive but thrive in the future.

Prescriptions for tomorrow: The future of Healthcare

Imagine a healthcare system where it’s not just about treating diseases, putting out fires, and avoiding mistakes because everything needs to happen so fast with strict demands. But a system where it’s about predicting diseases long before they strike, where technology is a seamless extension of both doctors and nurses, and where chronic diseases are a choice.

In this talk, you’ll take a journey into the future of the healthcare sector. You’ll get answers to questions like: What does the future of healthcare and health look like? Who are the patients of the future – and what are their demands? How will technological breakthroughs change the way we work with health?

Touched by a human: The future is high tech & high touch

From “Made in China” to the brand “Touched By a Human.” We talk so much about the influence and possibilities of technology, and it is also crucial to understand the future and where society, business, and the labor market are heading. But it gives us an incomplete picture.

Even though technology enables many things and makes our lives easier, the development does not mean that we do not need humans, human interaction, a hug, empathy, mistakes, curiosity, and laziness. On the contrary. The future will be “High Tech and High Touch,” and there will be value in your product, service, solution, etc. being “touched by a human.”

Algorithms, artificial intelligence, and new work structures will change the way we learn, recruit, work, and live our lives, but humans will remain central to the future and to the future labor market.

So, what trends and tendencies should we keep an eye on? How do we, as organizations, leaders, and employees, prepare ourselves in a wild development? And what do we need to be able to do in the future to remain important?

And rest assured, humans will never go out of style.

Generating New Ideas. Solving Big Problems

Let’s talk about your future – contact Louise now!

Past & current clients

From Our Clients

“Dear Louise.
Thank you so much! It was truly breathtaking to hear your words to us reflexologists – I am full of motivation and excitement about the future, right now!

I am looking forward to delving more into your appetizing slides! Inspire!

Many positive and future hopeful greetings.”

Lillian Neldenborg

Thank you so much for your keynote in connection with our national convention. The evaluations are amazing !

Hanne Møller

“I have been inspired, motivated and put further in my own development through your information, provocation and challenges that came with smiles, humor and a huge commitment.

I have found the way and a link between my own development and community and business development. I have found myself. In short: information, tools and insight = energy to act!

I would like to recommend Future Navigator and the great team for having created a concept that can be used both for personal, professional and social development and delivered in a fun, competent and ambitious way. I am full of admiration and I am deeply inspired!”

Gitte Madelaire

Hi Louise, thank your so much for a fantastic presentation at our conference. There are just so many fantastic evaluations on your performance. Amazing!

Randi Jensen

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

Please do not hesitate to contact Louise and her booking agency at

In the spotlight:
Our Media features

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I am a strategic futurist and I empower organizations to think and create their better future.

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Why don’t you test it yourself? You are only one click away from your personal demo which allow you to access of the elements and see how easy it is to work with Visual Composer Page Builder for WordPress.

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WordPress is a free open-source solution that you can easily adapt to your business. Yet, the real power of WordPress comes in once you adapt tools like Visual Composer and Yoast SEO to support your everyday business operations online.

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Join the biggest community with millions of users and thousands of developers building their pages with Visual Composer and WordPress.

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A comprehensive documentation that addresses all you need to know about Visual Composer – for beginners and professionals.

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Multiple options that allow you to do completely everything once it comes to WordPress and content management.

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Made with security in mind, we constantly audit Visual Composer to meet the highest security standards.
